
Morgan - Episode 1: DIPLOMA

Morgan Valentina had finished last in her class at the Superhero Academy.  It was a wonder she had graduated at all.  The more she thought about it, the more amazed she was that she had ever been admitted to the academy to begin with.  Four years ago, the Detector had said she had tremendous latent superpowers, and the new Safety for Superpowers Law Slaw stipulated that she would have to leave high school and transfer to a school for the gifted.   But only one of those latent abilities had never showed up.  "D-" was the highest score she had gotten in any class except for electives.  She always finished last in every single race - lost every fight - got humiliated so many times she had stopped counting.  But she tried her best. When her energy wings had manifested her sophomore year, she had been so happy - but she had soon discovered that they count only lift her 20 feet into the air, and the most she could carry and still manage to fly was 40 pounds.  Well, that was still a